Hi, I'm Rose.

Helping Christian Women in Ministry overcome spiritual stagnation so they can walk effectively in their calling is my jam. As I was doing this, I realized some specific needs--- especially for the women who have children in their lives!

This inspired me to go into vulnerable spaces with other moms and women who have kids in their sphere of influence and create *FREE content that will help them keep the balance, go deeper with God, and enjoy the journey.

Ministry Moms was birthed to share helpful hints for the heart, practical ideas for the home, and healing for the mind, body, and spirit. Oh! and of course some stellar educational resources for those awesome kids in your life!

I pray this site, membership portal, and content will help you find a grace-filled balance between everyday life, health, and ministry--- that you will find connection, creativity, healing, consistency + faith as you embark on the journey of joyful living.

Simple Start Devotionals


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Simply Nourished.

Be Nourished and --- Live!

December 21, 20213 min read

Are you fueled? When I ask this question to my clients, I am asking them if they are staying hydrated and eating nutritiously. Asking this question brings awareness to what they are putting into their bodies, and it is essential that we too take a closer look. Why? Because hydration and nutrition help us live healthy lives, promote healing, and keep us from running out of fuel.

To stay fueled up, we must be aware of what we are taking in, but it also helps if we understand the benefits of hydration and nutrition. In order to do this, it is good to be aware of the connected role of hydration, digestion, and the absorption of nutrients within our system— a system that must work together to function as God intended

Let’s start by considering this question: Did you know that if you improve your digestion, you can also improve the absorption of nutrients, but in order to improve your digestion, hydration is also key?

Let’s break that down a bit so we can take a closer look. Hydration assists specific digestive processes and helps the body break down food in order to be fueled with proper nutrients. If someone is not staying hydrated— it can affect this ability. Staying hydrated is a secret weapon for the digestive system!

One of the digestive processes that can be affected by dehydration is maintaining stomach acidity, if there is not enough, then the small intestine’s bacteria have a hard time completely digesting the food we eat, and if this happens, food passes to the large intestine with undigested particles which can cause a myriad of issues.

Dehydration also makes the body conserve water, and this causes it to try and extract water from partially digested food leaving half-digested, dry stool of the wrong pH in the large intestine. This alone can cause hard and constipated stool. See how staying hydrated is ESSENTIAL to having a fully functioning system? When we don’t hydrate our bodily functions become compromised, causing all kinds of havoc in our systems!

Now, let’s think about nutrition. I know this can be a sensitive subject, but I am here to be real with you. Everyone has food battles (including me), but God can help us fight these battles, process the things we need to deal with and forgive— so we can let go and move forward.

So, let’s go there.

Can you say highly-processed fatty foods? They are so readily available (convenient), but are also one of the worst combinations for causing digestive stress. Did you know that your body has to compensate and provide its own energy and nutrients in order to digest these types of foods? Your body does not get enough nutrients in exchange for these foods because a lot of the nutrients have been (processed) out of them!

When I have “trouble” in this area, I like to read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. It reminds me I am God’s child, and my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Knowing this helps me take care of my body, and if I want to take care of my body, I must consider what I put into it. Putting in the right things helps me feel better, but it also gives me a way to honor and glorify God in the everyday!

To heal our bodies, keep them clean, and get the fuel we need, it takes cleaning up this part of our lives, but take heart, there are many ways to improve hydration, nutrition, digestion and health. Let’s start with understanding digestion! Check out this quick guide to help you begin or (stay on) your healing journey.

In summary, let’s remember to take a closer look (take inventory) into what we are eating and drinking so we can be fueled, healed, and glorify God every day. When we think about how Jesus lived, He did not live to eat or drink, but ate to be nourished and live! That is how I want to live and I am sure you do too!

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Rose Ward

Rose Ward helps Christian Women in Ministry overcome spiritual stagnation so that they can walk effectively in their calling. In doing this, she realized some specific needs for the women she was ministering to--- especially for those who have children in their lives. This inspired Rose to go into the vulnerable spaces with other moms and women who have kids in their sphere of influence and create content that will help them keep joy in their journey. Rose’s personal blog, Ministry Moms was then birthed to share helpful hints for the heart, practical ideas for the home, and healing for the mind, body, and spirit. This includes creating some stellar educational resources for both women and children along the way. It is her hope that the Ministry Moms website, membership portal, and creative content will help women find a grace-filled balance between everyday life, health, and ministry--- that they will find connection, creativity, healing, consistency + faith as they embark on the journey of joyful living.

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In order to truly understand God’s TRUTH, we must know Him. And like all relationships, it takes showing up (being present), giving of ourselves, and being willing to understand that we do not have all the answers— it takes being a true friend to Jesus!

If we peel back the layers of our goals, we can see the small (consistent) habits laying just beneath. They help us close the gap (build the bridge) to courageously reach the other side where these goals are waiting to be accomplished successfully.

Worship is a valuable treasure to God that we may never fully understand, but we can always know that it will bring continuous joy to His heart, let us feel His power and love, and bring peace and JOY to us even when it feels like there is none.

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